Another Sad Story of Football-Related Head Injury

Unfortunately there are all too many stories of concussion in sport. This particular one highlights the long lasting cognitive, mood and personality changes that can occur when concussion symptoms persist or when Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE – which can result from many concussions) develops. Unfortunately the football associations themselves often seem more concerned with running defense than with helping the injured player. Sadly, in this situation they did not follow the concussion protocols that have been developed for sports.

In Canada, Parachute Canada has developed these sports protocols . This story highlights the incredible long-lasting impacts concussion can have on the injured player and on that player’s family and the friends that choose to stick by him/her afterwards. If you are a coach, team doctor or therapist or even a parent with a child in a sport we all need to play a role in ensuring these protocols are followed and if the person does receive a brain injury, please do your part in spite of the personality changes to help the person down the long road to recovery.



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